Friday, February 4, 2011

My Talk

I had an opportunity to speak in my singles ward a few Sundays ago so I just wanted to share it!

Emily Rigby: Talk given Jan 16th 2011

Challenges of Mortality

When Brother Merrill called me to speak on the Challenges of Mortality, I thought, wow that’s a challenge right there.

But, I am thankful for this opportunity to speak today. I love this ward and pray for the Spirit to be with me.

Our Prophet, Pres Monson has said.

Mortality is a period of testing, a time to prove ourselves worthy to return to the Presence of our Heavenly Father. In order for us to be tested, we must face challenges & difficulties.

In 2009 I was blessed to be in the Mormon miracle pageant at the Manti temple. It was the most wonderful experience. In third Nephi after three days of darkness; Christ appeared to the Nephites. My role in the pageant was to portray one of the Nephite people who saw the resurrected Savior. I can’t explain fully what a special experience this was for me. During the program, I really felt like one of the Nephite people, blessed to witness the glorious resurrected Savior. The spirit was so strong. If you can imagine this all taking place in front of the beautiful Manti temple the sight is breathtaking.

Whenever I feel really low, I think of this. Sometimes our challenges may seem like three days of darkness with no end in sight. But I know our Savior lives and loves us. Through His atonement He will help us through the challenges of mortality.

In third Nephi 9:14 it states, “Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.”

There is a story about a how a mother in Hawaii taught her daughters that if a bad tropical storm came, they were to go to higher ground and hold on to a strong tree and not let go. There was a terrible storm and the little girls remembered what their mother said. They were safe.. To me this story tells me that whenever I am facing the storms of life to get to higher ground and hold on tight to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love the temple… That is higher ground to me.

Pres. Monson has said,

“If you find yourself in such a situation, I plead with you to turn to our Heavenly Father in faith. He will lift you & guide you. He will not always take you’re afflictions from you, but he will comfort & lead you with love through whatever storm you face.”

I remember how scared I was to leave home and travel out to Indiana to be a nanny for my sister. I had been on a plane before but never in charge of changing planes and making sure I made my connecting flights. All I had was a plan to follow, and my cell phone which was my only communication with my parents and sister. I was scared, but I remember how much I prayed and felt watched over. When I reached Indiana my sister Melanie and my little nieces were there to meet me. I was so happy!

I had faced a lot of fears, followed a plan in faith and felt my Heavenly Father’s watchful care.

This experience reminds me of how we leave our Heavenly Father and come down to earth to learn and grow. It isn’t easy, but with a plan to follow; The gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer and a lot of faith and hard work,. We have a way to return to our Heavenly Father.

I have a quote by President Monson that I love. He said,

“Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

I have always loved the Hymn, How Firm a Foundation. It reads.

Fear not, I am with thee;

Oh be not dismayed.

For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.

I’ll strengthen thee; Help thee, and cause thee to stand,

Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.

Trials; are a time to show our loyalty to God and test us.

When trials come our way, instead of asking why me? It is a time to think what would the Lord have me learn from this?

I have always read my scriptures daily. I love them and find strength in them. My sister told me. “If you want to speak to Heavenly Father pray. If you want Heavenly Father to speak to you … Read your Scriptures.

Some time ago I wrote down a few goals for my life. I won’t tell you the first six goals, but the final one seems to tie them all together.

My seventh goal was to…. Be positive. Have Faith in Jesus Christ and Pray to my Heavenly Father for help.

I can do anything if I try with Heavenly Fathers help and my family that loves me.

My Testimony.

In the name of Jesus Christ…Amen


Melanie said...

Em, thanks so much for sharing this.I am going to put it in my file. Mom said you did an amazing job. I know you did! You are such an example to me in so many ways. Thank you for the light in your countenance. I love you.

Logan and Lisa said...


I am so proud of you for everything that you have accomplished. You can do anything you want to in this life if you work hard and really believe that you can do it. You are such a sweetheart! Love you Em!

Denise Rigby said...

Dear Emily...I am so proud of you. I think it was only ten days after my surgery, but I refused to miss hearing you speak in your singles ward. Annie came with me and we truly felt the spirit. You were sandwiched between two returned missionaries, but your talk was the best by far. Please know how much we love you and that with your Heavenly Father's help, anything is possible! LOVE MOM

Laura Copeland said...

Emily, I am so glad that I went to your blog and read your beautiful talk. It was so great! I just wish I could have heard you in person at the meeting. Thank you for sharing those beautiful thoughts on your blog. They were very special!